,” the natural actress is all set to make a strong impression with her next film. The film titled Daughter of Parvathamma is her 25th film. The flick is directed by a debutant named Shankar. Shankar had assisted
Pawan Wadeyar
in a few films. In the unique titled Daughter of Parvathamma, Haripriya will play the investigative officer. But, the film has no relationship with Rajkumar family. Haripriya says that although she plays an investigative officer, she won’t have much action sequences. “
” plays the role Parvathi and her neighbors call her Parvathamma. As the title suggests, she plays Haripriya’s mom. The film will have mother and daughter bonding and a case, which is dealt by Haripriya. This film is loosely based on the true story. Let us wait and watch how Haripriya and Sumalatha excel in their roles!