,” who was seen in the hit movies like “Rangoli,” was not seen in the Kannada cinema industry. After a long gap, he enters the Sandalwood through the film, “Ee Kshana.” He says that he did not quit acting, but was waiting for the right story. “Sumanth,” says that he was working in some Tamil flicks in the gap. He was seen in the Tamil movies and some Malayalam serials in the name “
.” His sister “
,” is also a serial cum cinema actress in Tamil. Sumanth was seen in the Malayalam blockbuster serial, “
Devi Mahatmyam
,” as Lord Shiva, along with actress “
” as Goddess Parvathi. Coming back to “Ee Kshana,” Sumanth has taken up an action movie for the first time in his career and previously we have seen him as a romantic boy.