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Paris Hilton Claims That She Is Not Abusive And She Love Animals

Sunday, May 8th, 2016
Paris Hilton Claims That She Is Not Abusive And She Love Animals
Paris Hilton Paris Hilton is an American based multifaceted soc >> Read More... who had recently faced disputes for releasing her video with a baby Orangutan claims that she loves animals. The video which had been released in social media in the year 2014 had driven many negative comments towards her. It had featured her holding a 1 year old baby orangutan named Dior who lives in Dubai. It had captioned as ‘This is baby Dior. She is a Lill Princess’ The most negative comments had came from the U.N’s Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP), which said that it is a form of captive abuse and also it greatly affect their efforts of conservation program for endangered Species. In her defense she said that she also is an animal Lover and she has friends who actually rescue such animals from these places and they cannot be put back in wild so easily. So these animals are actually the one that had been rescued.