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A Look On The Soundtrack Of My Life By Donny Osmond

Friday, April 29th, 2016
A Look On The Soundtrack Of My Life By Donny Osmond

New album from Donny Osmond Donny Osmond was born on 9th December, 1957, in Ut >> Read More... had been released few days ago which signalized the 50 years of him being in music Industry. This was his 60th album which is titled as ‘A Soundtrack of My Life’. This was released with other solos from him. As he claims that each of the alba had its own story to tell, he cannot help, but recalls how accidently the Beatles ‘The Long and Winding Road’ was chosen because of the accidental encounter with Paul McCartney in early 70s.

The song Ben was made to tribute MJ and the song Moon River can be a great number for any slow dance. Some other songs included are Could she be mine, Broken Wings, etc. nevertheless it can be said that this is one of a kind thing and will surely be a great pleasure to the listeners.