Giridhar Mamidipally is a film producer, who mainly works in the Telugu film industry. He works in the films such as Nayagi (Tamil), Nayaki (Telugu), and Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki. Giridhar works as a manager for the film actress Trisha. His bilingual film Nayagi, Nayaki has been making that simultaneously in both Tamil and Telugu languages which have been directed by Goverdhan Reddy Goverdhan Reddy aka Govi is a Telugu director. Gov >> Read More... , Trisha acts in a lead role as Gayatri, Ganesh Venkatraman Ganesh Venkatraman is a known celebrity model and >> Read More... , Sushma Raj Sushma Raj, age 24, is an actress who has worked i >> Read More... , Satyam Rajesh Satyam Rajesh is an acclaimed Telugu comedian and >> Read More... acts in this film. Ganesh Venkatraman acts as Sanjay in Tamil version, Satyam Rajesh acts as Sanjay in Telugu version. Sushma Raj acts in the role as Sandhya, Jayaprakash acts as Trisha’s father, Manobala, Kovai Sarala Kovai Sarala is an actress who acted in more than >> Read More... , Jeevi, Ashwanth Thilak Ashwanth Thilak is a popular Indian movie actor, w >> Read More... and Sendrayan acts in this film. Poonam Kaur Poonam Kaur is a Hyderabad based actress and model >> Read More... appeared in a guest role. This movie has a genre of horror film. In this movie, a couple gets into a bungalow which was situated in the outer region of the city.
The Bungalow was haunted by the ghost (Trisha). After, the couple finds out the presence of the ghoul in that bungalow which was seen through a mobile camera. That area was restricted by the government due to the mysterious death. The soul of Trisha and Jayaprakash were haunted in that place and killing the people. His film Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki has been directed by Nandyalaya Ravi, Naga Shourya Naga Shourya is a popular Telugu star who made his >> Read More... acts in a Hero role and Avika Gor Avika Gor is an Indian Television Actress who was >> Read More... acts in a Heroine role, Rao Ramesh Rao Ramesh is a Telugu actor and son of Rao Gopal >> Read More... acts as the strict father of Avika Gor. Nandyalaya Ravi a dialogue writer, turned into a director through this film. It has been a romantic entertainer movie. The acting of the Naga Shourya has been improved in this film when compared to his previous film. Avika Gor was famous for her Television acts. She is well-known for her acting in the serial Balika Badhu “Balika Badhu”, is a romantic drama serial based o >> Read More... . Avika entered into the Telugu film industry through the film Uyyala Jampala Click to look into! >> Read More... . Naga Shourya acted in this film after his previous success film Dikkulu Choodaku Ramayya. His acting in the fight scene also has well.