My Name is Mangatayaru is a Telugu comedy serial telecasted on Zee Telugu from Monday to Friday at 5.30 pm. This show was also remade in Tamil as My name is Mangamma. It was one of the famous comedy serials that was broadcasted on Zee Telugu. A 28 years old charming and a young girl, had name "Mangatayaru". But she didn't like her name. She never used to accept that name and called herself "Maggi". She used to think that she is not getting married because of the name Mangatayaru, but she was impolite in reality, and she had a loud mouth. She works as a cook in a three-star hotel.
She supports her married and unmarried siblings as well with her mother. It was very hard for her parents to find a groom for Mangatyaru due to her nature, which others found difficult to adjust. A mixture of comedy, seriousness, twists and nerve wrecking moments made this TV show a big success. Maheshwari performed the role of Mangatyaru in both Telugu and Tamil, which she handled so well and show turned a big hit. S N. Shakthivel directed the Tamil version of Mangatayaru.
Aneesh G Menon played the role of Krishna; Delhi Kumar Delhi Kumar is a veteran Tamil television and film >> Read More... played role of Krishna's father, Sonia as Krishna's aunt and K. Ramamoorthy
Maheshwari: Maheswari is Telugu as well as Tamil language film actress. She has acted in movies such as Karuththamma, Gulabi, and Ullasam. Delhi Kumar: Delhi Kumar is a Tamil television, film and stage actor who performed roles in teleserials like Engey Brahmanan and Metti Oli 'Thirumurugan' directed Metti Oli and it i >> Read More... . He also worked in a few films, such as Enthiran (2010), Dumm Dumm Dumm (2001) and Kannathil Muthamittal Kannathil Muthamittal is a 270-episode Tamil langu >> Read More... (2002). Arvind Swamy Arvind Swamy is one of the finest actors from Indi >> Read More... is his biological son. Aneesh G Menon: Aneesh G Menon is Malayalam actor who reached finals of Malayalam acting reality show. After the reality show, he has been part of successful films like Drishyam which was also remade in most of the Indian languages.
On 11 April 2013, the show ended with 260 episodes. G. Anuradha, the Zee Telugu Business Head rated the serial as one of the most received Telugu comedy serials that even ran on Zee Telugu and it is important for a channel like Zee Telugu to have serials like My Name is Mangatayaru to stay on top.