Meghamala is an Indian television drama broadcast on ETV Telugu Monday-Saturday at 8.30. Meghamala’s 1st episode aired on 17th March 2014 and is running till now. Lead role played by Anvesh (Rishi) and Advika (Meghamala). The show was promoted by director SS Rajamouli and actor Rana Daggubati Rana Daggubati is a famous Indian actor. He was bo >> Read More... . Meghamala serial revolves around the relation between two youngsters Meghamala and Rishi. The serial starts with the kid Meghamala who is taking classical dance training and she is very passionate about dance. She lives with her mother Sharada. Meghamala is a very kind hearted and well mannered girl on the other hand Rishi is a spoiled kid and very egoistic.
Rishi met Meghamala in temple where she learns dance and the argument and fight between two started. Rishi always tries to harm Meghamala. One day when Meghamala was dancing Rishi threw her toy which led to Meghmala falling in a pond. Sunil, well wisher of Sharda Indian playback singer Sharda Rajan Iyengar, also >> Read More... saved her, Sharda slaps Rishi and some journalist makes a news of it. Annoyed Rishi’s father (Virinchi) punishes Rishi but his “Dadi” saves him meanwhile Sharda goes to jail for murder charges and Sunil takes Meghamala home, but Rishi’s father tells that he will take care of Meghamala and then Meghamala’s troubles start. She has to face the hatred of Rishi and his Dadi. Rishi did everything to torture Meghamala so that she leaves his house and one day when his parents were in hospital as Sowdamini tried to commit suicide, Rishi took Meghamala outside and left her on the street. Meghamala was caught by a beggar's hand but Sunil saved her once more.
When Virinchi knows that Rishi left Meghamala on the street, he again scolds Rishi. Sunil comes home with Meghamala, but his wife Naveena is unhappy with his decision of raising Meghamala. Later Meghamala starts working as a dance assistant in Tollywood and she is shown growing up. Young Meghamala is working as the 1st Assistant for her dance master as choreographer and taking up responsibilities at home and work but missing her mother Sharada terribly. On the other hand Virinchi is deciding Rishi's future and Avanti making her own plans for Rishi. Virinchi's House members are excited about the party which they are throwing for Rishi’s introduction in party.
Later Meghamala and Rishi met, but unaware of their identity. Meanwhile Sowdamini’s and Virinchi’s son Chaitra Click to look into! >> Read More... comes into the picture and this creates tension between Avanti (Rishi’s Mother) and Virinchi. Rishi convinces Swodamini to work in his film and Avanti and Rishi insult her on the set. Meanwhile Meghamala also faces problems while working with Rishi regarding her Heroine. The argument between Rishi and Meghamala goes on the set, but later when they start feeling something strange between them they get lost in the forest during an outdoor shoot. Will Rishi and Meghamala find the way out and reach the location, were they able to bridge the differences or has the enemity between them grown even more ? The show is a big hit among audiences. Meghamala is running with a high TRP and has been successful in attracting the young and women audiences.
Another version of this story...
17th March 2014 was the premiere of new serial Drama, Meghamala on EVT. It continues to be broadcasted weekly from Monday to Saturday at 8:30PM on ETV. Being relatively a new serial drama, Meghamala became popular really fast, an appreciated serial according to the audience who expects for a new season number 2 when this one will be finished. Until now the first season reached 143 episodes. Directed by S.S. Rajamouli and the cast well chosen with stars like Prabhas Prabhas is one of the favorite heroes of the Andhr >> Read More... , Anushka, Rishi, Rana Daggubati and other great actors can take all the credentials for this serial. The storyline of Meghamala is based on a love story and remembers the old Indian love stories in movies.
The main character is Meghamala and her story starts in Hampi the capital of King Krishna when she was just a little girl. She is a classical dancer and due to the problems with her family life; she had to move in another city Hyderabad. There she meets a boy named Rishii and they become rivals in the world of dance and all the time they are in a competition with each other. After a while they evolved and now the little Meghamala became a choreographer and Rishii a film hero in Tollywood. Their life brings them back together and they start to work together on a movie. With time they start to like each other and later they fall in love with each other and the story continues in a good way between them. It really is a catchy serial and it became a must watch series.