Prathi Friendu Avasaramera is a 2021 Telugu dark comedy show that premiered on Hungama Play. The show comprises 18 episodes and features the life journey of four vibrant youngsters Vamshi, Balu, Arjun, Kaushik. They have a very peaceful life and are in their mid-twenties but are soon caught up in a crime scene. The story highlights their challenges and how they overcome from those. The show begins on a serious note. At the very beginning, the police arrive to arrest five youngsters in a house. At this point, the story goes back into the flashback featuring the beautiful love between the four friends, as well as the love story of Vamshi and Bindu. After that the story introduces another character Veera pandiyan, the house owner. The youngsters take advantage of his behavior. Later, Vamshi, during his job interview, meets the love of his life after many years and returns home. After that he goes along with Arjun to search Bindu when Sastry and Kaushik finds his bike missing. In the coming episodes, Sastry not satisfied with his father’s sudden decision.
He attends a match-making event. After a while, the four friends visit a pub. At the pub, Sastry finds a girl and starts flirting with her. Things take a turn when her boyfriend along with his gang enters which leads to a fight. What happens next? Later in the street, the four friends kidnap a girl named Ritika. Even after a lot of attempts to escape, she fails. She makes them do whatever she wants. With the sudden entry of Bindu, the four friends are shocked. They try to hide Ritika from Bindu. The friends handle the situation by pretending Ritika as maid. But things take a turn when Bindu enters the house and finds Ritika holding Vamshi’s hand, which leads to their breakup. When Ritika opens up about her real story, the police release the friends.