Naveen, also known as Naveen Chandra Reddy is a South Indian actor who has acted in Telugu and Tamil movies. He was born in Bellary,Karnataka. He also had a dance institute in Bellary and taught a lot of students. He even participated in one of the state level dance competition and was shortlisted in every round. However, he did not win the finals. A lot of people were shocked to know that he had lost including the judge, Udayabhanu. She further gave him an idea that he should try his luck in movies. In 2003, he came to Hyderabad to try his luck with Rs. 2000/- which was spent in the next 2 days. Hence he worked as a waiter in Alpha Hotel which is opposite to Secunderabad railway station. He also used to deliver Newspapers and Milk packets early in the morning. After saving for about a year, he joined a class to learn animation and web designing and joined the Institute as a Trainer.
He made his debut with the Tamil Movie, ‘Agarathi’ which did not fare very well at the box office. In 2012, he made his debut with Telugu movies with ‘Andaala Raakshasi’ which was directed by
Hanu Raghavapudi
. His performance was well appreciated by the audiences and professionals. After this movie, he was not interested in playing a romantic character again and was waiting for something different to follow. As luck would have it, he was spotted by the Director Jeevan Reddy who observed his mannerisms for four days and approached his manager on the fifth day to play the role of an ex-naxalite in the movie, ‘Dalam’