Yuri Suri is an Indian Pilot, Actor, FM Broadcaster, Master of Quizzes, Trainer, Professor and a Motivator who was known for his achievements in the profession of Fighter Pilot and who played his role in various Cinema movies and Television shows. He was born on 22nd August 1950 in the city of Delhi, India. For 20 years of his life he was fighter pilot of Air Force. He was also shortlisted as Indian astronaut in the year of 1992. But in 1992, he left his career as an pilot and started his career as broadcaster of FM Radio. He visited many countries as a Indian guest for their Radio Channels. He also worked as a trainer to teach the young age students about the Art of Speaking and gave them the training related to Art of Radio. He also used to Anchor various FM Radio Stations to hold Quiz and Road Watch show. In the year of 1997 he started conducting lectures, training and workshops in various colleges of India especially in the city of Delhi. He believed that Life skills a winner are his Self Confidence, Spirit to win, Hard work, patience and team work and it is the only difference between a loser and winner. After that, in the year of 2000 he started his career as an Actor of television and Bollywood movie like his role as Jamaal in the movie Kites, Rajkumar Khangar in the movie Jodha Akabar, Pasha in the movie Lamhaa, Paaji in Sharafat Gayii Tel Lenne, and in his best Movie named Aisha in which he played his role as Col. Singh. He struggled and worked a lot in his life and now he has Name and Fame in whole world.