He had all the ammunitions required to rule the Bollywood but television industry got lucky in attaining his versatile acting abilities. Javed Khan is one such fine actor who not only enjoyed success at big screen but also succeeded in winning people’s heart through their work on television. During the first year of his B. Sc. In economics and mathematics from St. Xavier’s College Mumbai, Javed Khan got opportunities to act in small ad-films and after that he was encouraged to participate in various fashion shows. His success with ad-films encouraged Javed Khan to join Film and Television Institute of India and soon he was spotted by the producers who offered him chances to appear as lead actor in various low budget movies. His first movie was Aparadhi Kaun which got moderate success. Some of his successful Bollywood movies include Paanch Fauladi, Kafan, Aaj Ka M.L.A. and Raja Ki Ayegi Barat.
He continued to work in film industry till 1994 when he decided to work for television. In 1994, Javed Khan played the role of Tej Singh for the popular TV serial Chandrakanta which was aired on Doordarshan National. After that he continued to attain highly impressive roles in various TV serials such as Betal Pachchisi, Yug, Nagin,
Zee Horror Show
, Fasana, Ramayana and Main Dilli Hoon. Later on, he also played the role of Maharaja Puru in the TV drama series Shakuntala which was aired on Star One.