'Sharadha' is a Telugu language TV series aired on Gemini TV. The TV series is a dubbed version of the Hindi daily soap opera 'Ek nayii Pehchaan' from Sony TV. Gemini TV premiered the soap opera on 11th May, 2015. Hemant R Prabhu has directed the TV series. The main cast of the series was Krystle D’Souza who played Sakshi, Karan Sharma Karan Sharma, not to be confused with the Indian f >> Read More... played Karan Modi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Poonam Dhillon Born on April 18th, 1962, Poonam Dhillon is one of >> Read More... as Sharadha Modi, Sooraj Thappar played Suresh Modi, Namish Taneja This young face of Indian television shot to fame >> Read More... played Chiraag Modi, Ankita Bhargava Ankita Bhargava is a talented actress of Indian T >> Read More... played Latika Modi, Rita Bhaduri If you want to see an actor with years and years o >> Read More... played Dadi, Rahul Ram Rahul Ram is a renowned Indian bass guitarist, mus >> Read More... as Prateek, Deepak Sandhu Deepak Sandhu was born on 26 November 1987 in Amba >> Read More... played Aditya, Padmini played Pallavi, Usha Bachani Usha Bachani is a famous film and television actre >> Read More... as Meeta, Nazya Sayed played Shanaya, Alam Khan Alam Khan was born on June 19 in Mumbai, to Taqvee >> Read More... portrayed Arav Modi and, Sarika Dhillon Sarika Dhillon a born and raised Punjabi is climbi >> Read More... portrayed Tasha. 'Sharadha' is a story that depicts the relationship of a wife and her mother-in-law.
Unlike other daily soaps this TV series didn’t show the conflicts between their relationship. In fact, this series showed how the two of them could support each other and be each other’s strength. The story starts from the Modi’s residence. Karan Modi doesn’t want to get married but ends up marrying Sakshi at the beginning of the show. Sakshi starts her new life and starts building strong relations. Soon she finds out that her mother-in-law is not educated. One day Sharadha puts her thumb print on some very important business documents, which ends up in losing a client. After this Suresh insults her in front of the whole family. That is the moment when Sakshi decides that she will educate her mother-in-law. Everyone in the family opposes this idea, but Sakshi still sends Sharadha to an adult coaching center.
Later in the show, everyone finds out that Suresh has another wife called Pallavi. This baffles everyone, and they leave their home. Karan leaves his family business and starts finding a job outside. After many struggles, Sharadha sets up a textile factor. Later Pallavi reveals to everyone that Karan has bone cancer and her only wish is that everyone returns to the Modi house.. Sakshi tries to save her family, and in the end, the all live happily. Gemini TV telecasted the show at 1.30 p.m. in the afternoon. The final episode was telecasted on 5th February 2016. The show has got a lot of appreciation from the viewers. The show never lost its grace due to dubbing. It was a success and was loved by the Telugu audience as well as the Sony TV audience. The show truly showed the power of Women Empowerment.