Kids Baking Championship is an international cooking show based on baking and competitions. The show mainly focuses on baking and decorating cakes. The show is hosted by professional cake decorator Duff Goldman and actress Valerie Bertinelli. In Tamil, the show telecasts on the Discovery Tamil channel. It features some children who usually range in age from 9 to 13 to compete in several baking tasks. These young contestants are given some tasks by the judges which is related to making cake but they have to face some difficulties while baking. Some young contestants have a very high level of baking skill which sometimes can be compared to professional bakers.
Kids Baking Championship follows the standard setup of other competition series. Every episode has a particular theme, for example- the best cupcake, a cake with many tiers, pastries with exotic fillings. The most exciting part of the show is that only certain amount of time is given to the contestants to complete the task and after that they are required to show their creations to Duff and Valerie. They judge their cakes and focus on enjoying the process and being encouraged. Also in each episode one of the bakers get eliminated by the judges and remaining stays in the safe zone depending on their performance.
Duff and Valerie hosting the show are famous for their helpful and enlightening disposition. They share positive opinions, discuss about success stories from the bakers’ sides and give Morales when necessary. During the competition, people get to know the bakers behind their ventures, as well as their characters. Their backgrounds are occasionally revealed in the show to display how they enjoy baking or why they need to bake. All the tasks given by the judges involve solving problems and finding the best ways of doing so; apart from involving technical expertise, creativity is a must in the process. The contestants must be familiar with different flavors and textures and presentation skills so that they don’t face any problem during the competition.
The competition is more complex as the challenges rise with the level of the competition. The bakers also have to face with challenges like using ingredients that are told by the judges and sometimes they may not be familiar with it. Such a progression makes it possible to test the performance of bakers and leave only the most qualified and skilled to the finals. The last task is usually to produce a grand finale dessert where the bakers can demonstrate all the knowledge they gained in the competition. The champion of the Kids Baking Championship not only gets the champion title, they even gets money and is featured in Food Network Magazine also. In some edition, the champion gets baking tools or even a scholarship.