Vallamai Tharayo is a Tamil soap opera. The show could be categorized under the everlasting genre of romance. The plot of the show focuses on two major characters. One is Mahesh and the other is Sandhya. Mahesh is a good-hearted and kind doctor who excels at his job. His track record is exquisite. He is known as one of the best doctors in the city. This has made him very popular and thus very successful. His only guilt is one case in which he couldn’t save a patient when he could have. This still haunts him and he is always aware of the fact that this information could be leaked into public at any time and his reputation will be severely damaged. He works with a great team of doctors and nurses who always has his back but this one case still haunts him as he knows he has made many enemies and if even one of them gets to know about this, he is finished.
One fine day Mahesh meets Sandhya. Sandhya is a very chirpy person who is kind and good-natured. She is an art teacher in an organization. Sandhya belongs to a very simple family. They both meet and fall in love. Mahesh tells Sandhya about everything that he has ever done and Sandhya accepts him as he is. But soon Mahesh learns that a doctor is plotting against him. The show is about how Mahesh and Sandhya along with Mahesh’s team save his career and reputation. The show has a stellar cast with Narain playing Dr. Mahesh and Gayathiri Sekaran plays Sandhya. Other major characters are played by Nithiya Roa, Rare, Indira Chanthiran, Deepak Dinkar Deepak Dinkar is a popular image in the Tamil Tele >> Read More... , etc. The show was written under the supervision of Frames Entertainment Pte. Ltd and was directed by R. Virenthira.
The show only had one season but had a total of forty-five episodes. It was produced and shot in Singapore. The show was released in April 2016 and ran till June 2016. The show was launched on the popular Tamil channel, Vasantham TV. Vasantham TV was launched in 1995 by Mediacorp and has since become a major Tamil channel with some exceptional shows. The channel is known for producing a high-quality show in Tamil. Vallamai Tharayo is extremely entertaining the Tamil audience with its unique content.