D4 Dance Reloaded is a dance reality show in Malayalam language that airs on the channel, Mazhavil Manorama. Deemed to be the shortest reality show in the history of reality television, the show was launched on 21st November 2016. After a very short yet tremendously successful 15 episodes, the show came to an end with the super finale on the 20th and 21stof December, 2016. The show was aired three times in a week, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. IST. D4 Dance Reloaded is the fourth installment in this popular dance reality show franchise.
The show had three mind-blowing seasons before: D1, D2 and D3 and has gained popularity amongst its viewers for its outstanding set and the plethora of talent produced on the show. D4 Dance Reloaded is a reunion of 20 such talented dancers from the last three seasons, teamed up in ten pairs who would showcase their ultimate dancing skills to battle it out against each other. These 10 pairs go through various rounds of jaw-dropping performances and impressing the judges.
The judges give their feedbacks and comments on each performance. And at the end of each week, one pair bids adieu to the show. The show moves forward on the same steps for four weeks, until they reach their finale episode with five best couples. On the day of the super finale, one and the best of these five contestant pairs are declared the winner of D4 Dance Reloaded. The participants who took part as pairs on this show are Ajith and Swathi, Nakul and Saniya, Bhavik and Shamaz, Sushmita and Dihin, Arjun and Sanjal, Vishnu and Anna, Shameer and Rakhu, Dilsha and Rinosh, Jerry and Vysakh and Renjini and Sneha.
Out of these contestants, Dilsha and Rinosh, Jerry and Vysakh,Nakul and Saniya, Bhavik and Shamaz, and Vishnu and Anna reached the super finale of the season. Dilsha and Rinosh took the trophy as winners while Jerry and Vysakh became the first runner-up. Anna and Vishnu took the third position, Shaman and Bhavik came fourth, and Nakul and Saniya claimed the fifth position. Dilsha and Rinosh were awarded prizes worth Rs. 10 lakh by the coveted Malayalam film actor, Rahman. The show has given chance to hundreds of talented dancers in Kerala to prove their merit and make it big in the industry.
Their scintillating performances were judged by popular Malayalam actress, Mamta Mohandas This effervescent beauty, who has acted in Malayal >> Read More... , who made a comeback to television with this show. Co-judging the show was ace choreographer and dancer, Neerav Bavlecha Neerav Bavlecha was born in Ahmedabad, Gujarat on >> Read More... . The show has been hosted by VJ, model and anchor, Pearle Maaney Pearle Maaney is one of the most famous personalit >> Read More... and RJ, Model and anchor, Adil Ibrahim Adil Ibrahim is an Indian model, actor, and direct >> Read More... . The two crack up the audience, participants, and the judges with their witty yet funny sense of humor and their constant bickering with their cool personalities.