Indian Voice is a singing reality show in the Malayalam language that was aired on the channel, Mazhavil Manorama. The show is a very popular reality show in Kerala and is watched by a huge number of audiences. Season one of this show was started telecasting on 31st October 2011. The season had successfully completed more than 200 episodes. After running for almost a year, the first season of the show came to an end with its grand finale on October 12th, 2012. This is the longest run a singing reality show has had in the history of Malayalam singing reality shows.
The show kick-started with 30 mind-blowing singers from every nook and corner of the state of Kerala. These 30 contestants were shortlisted through a series of auditions that were held at various parts of the state in which thousands of people had taken part. The best 30 contestants made it through these auditions and entered the main event where they would battle against each other with their jaw-dropping singing skills and outrun each other to become the winner and be called the ‘Indian Voice.’
These contestants went through a series of rounds through episodes where they had to show their skills in singing all kinds of different songs. Their expertise in different genres of singing got them through to the next rounds. Eventually, weaker performers start getting eliminated one by one until there is one performer left who is crowned the title. There were quite a few contestants that came from Kochi like Akhil Shenay from Varappuzha, V.R Lakshmi from Palluruthi, Mridul Kumar from Vennala, T.G Bibin from Palluruthi and Priya Jerson Priya Jerson is a Tamil playback Singer with a mel >> Read More... . Some of them were from Trivandrum like Sreekanth Hariharan Sreekanth Hariharan was born and raised in Trivand >> Read More... , H Aparna, M Neethu Narayanan, and S.R Vishnuraj.
Twocontestants were from Kollam, M.J Rajmohan from Thattarukonam, and G Chandni from Vadakkevila. The remaining contestants were from different cities in the state like Raj from Chottanikkara, Selin Jose from Kasorgodu, Anakha Sadan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... from Ettumanoor,K Siyad from Ottappalam, Deepak Ramachandran from Harippad,Sriranjini Haridas from Perunchery , Thrissur, Anu Mariya Jose from Nayarambalam, Vyppin.A few others were P.K Vysakh from Pang, Malappuram, Mahesh Jyothis from Alappuzha, Sandra Varghese from Kolagappara, Vayanadu, and Dileep R Nair from Changanacherry.
There was one contestant who came all the way from Pakistan to participate in the show, Ashar. Selin Jose was the winner of the first season of the show. She received a villa worth 1 crore sponsored by Travancore Builders. K Siyad, the first runner-up received Sky Gold jewellery worth 25 lakhs by Sky Jewellers as the winning prize. Vishnuraj SR was the second runners-up for the season and won Rs.10 lakhs sponsored by Sanford Electronics.
The season was judged by experts from all around the country. Ace music composer, musician and singer, Shankar Mahadevan Shankar Mahadevan, a well-renowned, talented and f >> Read More... , the melodious Tamil and Malayalam singer, Sujatha Mohan Sujatha Mohan (Sujatha or Baby Sujatha) is one of >> Read More... and with over 2000 songs to his name in many regional languages, Sreenivas were the judges of the show. Stephen Devassy Stephen Devassy is a music artist who started from >> Read More... , the popular musician and record piano artist hailing from Kerala was also part of the show. The show was hosted by popular singer, Anand Narayan Anand Narayan is an Indian television personality. >> Read More... .
Another Version of the Show...
Indian Voice is a Music Reality show wherein contestants participate and compete to win popular title of Indian Voice. Hosted in Mazhavil Manorama, this programme was recognised for its softer criticisms from the judges and the element of fun in the stage. The participants go through intensive training and get polished not just on their musical skills but also on their stage presence and entertainment skills. The success of the first season has resulted in another season of Indian Voice – Season 2. While 'Anand Narayan' anchored and hand held the participants in the first season, ' Ranjini Jose Ranjini Jose is a well-known playback singer in th >> Read More... ' anchored the second season.
Indian Voice is known for its judges – Sujatha and Srinivasan, two eminent names in South Indian Music Industry. The music accompanied by the hands of Stefan Devassy on the key boards make the treat for the audience a fantastic one. The second season saw Sarath as a judge in Indian Voice. While Celin Jose won the title in the first season, Athira Murali Athira Murali is a well-known Malayali singer. She >> Read More... won the title in the second season. The grand finale saw the celebrities from Malayalam film industry including Super star Mammooty gracing the occasion. The show claims to be one that has produced more number of play back singers for Malayalam cinema than any other similar reality shows.