Chakkarapanthil is a TV music show telecasted in Mathrubhumi News Channel. This is a weekly show that was telecasted on Sunday. This show is a musical journey through Indian cinema. In this show the music directors and singers speak their experience in the cinema industry. Some of the singers like K S Chitra, K J Yesudas, Mano and many of the others spoke about their experiences. The show airs the songs sung by the legends of the Indian film industry. Old hits are also telecasted in this show. This is a flashback show for those talents who have inspired us with their beautiful voice. Some new songs are also aired in this show. The legends play their favorite songs in this show which helps us to know the favorite songs of the legendary singers with their path to success. Some inspirational stories of these greats are also told in this musical chat program. The program is telecasted once again at midnight 12:30. In one of the episodes K. S. Chitra spoke about her experience in the industry as a singer and also her favorite songs which was then played on the show. Some questions from the audience are also answered by the singers and music directors. This was aired for more than a year in Mathrubhumi News Channel.