Malayalam Tv Serial Bala Shiva

Bala Shiva Malayalam TV SERIALS on Zee Keralam
3.00 / 5.00
4.00 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Bala shiva is a Hindi-language TV serial aired on Zee Keralam. Initially in Hindi, they dubbed the show into Malayalam and Kannada for its respective audience. The original, "Baal Shiv", is a mythological TV serial in Hindi aired on ZeeTV in 2021. They were spanning over multiple seasons and nearly 225 episodes. Each season explores different ages of the god Shiva, some ages and story arcs have lasted multiple seasons.The show depicts myths and legendry stories from the life of Shiva. The serial features Tej Sapru He is the son of an actor and actress of Hindi fil >> Read More... , Mauli Ganguly, Krip Suri Krip Suri born on 14 of June is a Delhi based pers >> Read More... , Sunil Singh Sunil Singh also known as Sunil Kumar Singh is an >> Read More... , Hariom Kalra Hariom Kalra is an Indian actor who has worked in >> Read More... , Phalguni Sharma, Aan Tiwari Bio coming soon...   The Tiwari Family Tree (Inf >> Read More... , Siddharth Arora Siddharth Arora is the face of Indian Television. >> Read More... , Mukesh Tripathi and Maish Kapoor.



Kavitha Nair Malayalam TV-Actress
DOB: 22 December 1986
Kavitha Nair
Ambili Devi Malayalam Movie Actress
DOB: 6 January 1985
Ambili Devi
Bindu Varapuzha Malayalam TV-Actress
DOB: 22 April 1967
Bindu Varapuzha
Mallika Sukumaran Malayalam Movie Actress
DOB: 15 November 1954
Mallika Sukumaran