Deepika Upadhyay is a talented Television actress who made her debut in Television industry with the role of Ganga in super popular show on Life OK channel' Devon ke Dev- Mahadev'.
Devon ke Dev-Mahadev is a Hindu mythological drama based on the research work done by Dr.
Devdutt Pattanaik
who is a very famous researcher in Hindu mythology and a noted management guru. From the ideas developed by Dr. Â Pattanaik, the storyline has been developed by Aniruddha Pathak and gives many details incorporated regarding Hindu deities in the ancient religious books which were hitherto unknown to the general populace.Â
Ganga is the elder daughter of King Himavan and Queen Mainavati and a sibling of Parvati who resides in swarga. When she meets the lord Shiva, she falls in love with him and expresses her feelings to the lord with an intention of marrying the lord Shiva. Shiva gets annoyed and tells her that he would not marry anybody else but the re-incarnation of Sati and tells her to go away. Ganga is converted to river goddess who resides on the head of Shiva and has a boon to wash away the sins of anybody who takes a dip in the river. Since then, Ganga is a river flowing across North India considered to be the most sacred river and anybody who takes a dip in the river, is pure in life as his sins are washed away by the sacred river.
Deepika is receiving great appreciation for her performance in the serial. By her performance in this very first serial, she has proved her worth and industry is looking to forward to many more great performances from her.