Guardian The Lonely And Great God is a South Korean television series. The show falls under the genre of fantasy and romance. The show focuses on a Young King who orders the execution of a decorated military general named Kim Shin on the claims of being a traitor. No proof supports this claim but the King executes him anyway. Years later, because of this death, the Young King is cursed to stay immortal forever to see his loved ones in pain and see them suffering and eventually dying.
The Young King becomes an immortal goblin, helping people in need with his powers and soon becomes a very kind man due to his immortality. The only way to end his immortality is Goblin’s bride, whose aid in pulling out the mighty sword will end the immortality of the King. Ji Eun-Tak is a cheerful high school student who despite her tragic life remains optimistic. She comes across the Goblin and their fate entwine. The story follows the deeper connection that they share. The show is written by Kim Eun-Sook and directed by Lee Eung-bok along with three other filmmakers. The show used to air on the popular Korean channel, TVN from 2016 and lasted on air till January 2017.