Her Private Life is a South Korean TV series that aired on tvN from 10 th April 2019 to 30 th May 2019. tvN (Total Variety Network) is a South Korean network owned by CJ ENM E&M Division. It offers nationwide general entertainment shows. Her Private Life is one such serial offered by them. There are sixteen episodes, each sixty minutes long. The series is developed by Studio Dragon, and written and directed by Kim Hye-young and Hong Jong-chan respectively. Bon Factory Worldwide has produced this series.
The story revolves around, Sung Deok-mi, a talented chief curator of an art museum. She is a fangirl obsessed with the singer, Cha Shi-an of the group White Ocean. In addition, she is also the manager of the famous "Shi-an is My Life" fansite. Ryan Gold is an aloof artist who develops a disease and eventually stops drawing. After the current boss of the museum, Uhm So-hye is arrested for embezzlement, Ryan Gold becomes the new Art Director of the art museum. After rumors break out claiming Deok-mi and Shi-an are dating, Ryan suggests that he and Deok-mi pretend to date to ward off Shi-an's fans who threaten to harm her. However, when Sindy joins as an intern in the museum to prove that Ryan and Deok-mi are a fake couple, they are left with no choice but to keep up the pretense. The cast of the series is made up of Park Min-young as Sung Deok-mi, Kim Jae-Wook as Ryan Gold and Jung Jae-won as Cha Shi-an. There are various other supporting actors.