Love Alarm is a Korean drama based on a novel by the same name written by Chon Kye Young. The screenplay is penned by Seo Bo-ra, Lee Ah-Yeon, Ryu Bo-ra, Cha Yeon-Su, Kim Seo-Yi, and Kwon Ji-young. Lee Na-Jung directed the first season, and Kim Jin-woo directed the second. Kijae Kim produced the series. It was streamed on Netflix from 22nd August 2019Â to 12th March 2021. The soundtrack of the series has seven songs. Tearliner, Klang, and Hodge crooned the songs.
The series deals with the life of a schoolgirl and how mobile applications influence her. It is about the app that notifies the user if there are people within a 10-meter radius who have developed some romantic interest. The first season started in August 2019, and the second season in March 2021.
Kim So-Hyun played the role of Kim Jo-jo, a bright high school student. Jung Ga-ram plays the role of Lee Hye-young, a high school student who likes Jo-jo. Song Kang plays Hwang Sun-oh, a high school student who is rich. He is a model too. Go Min-si, Lee Jae-Eung, Song Seon-mi, Shim Yi-young, Kim Young-Pil, Park Sung-Yeon, Yoon Na-moo, Shin Seung-ho, Ji Hye-Ra, Kim Ye-Ji, Kim Young-ok, Choi Joo-won, Yeom Ji-young, Song Geon-hee, Kim Si-Eun, Jo Yoo-Jung, Bae Da-bin, Bigman, Ki Do-hoon, and Yoon Dong-hwan are in supporting cast.