Jam and Jelly is a comedy series which came on the channel Suvarna Plus. The show is a Kannada language one which came one very weekday between Monday and Friday in the time slot of 9:30 PM. It premiered on Indian television on 2nd December 2013. The entire series is the brainchild of Shivadhwaj Shetty who has both produced as well as conceptualized it. It features the antics of the leading pair who just go by the titles of Jam and Jelly but aren’t assigned any real names. The show is quite unique because of the fact that it is a mute comedy show.
This feature makes it the first of its kind in the Kannada entertainment circuit. Throughout all the episodes we hear no dialogues at all. The comedy is purely situational from the antics and expressions of the lead pair in these scenarios. They both are very nuanced actors possessing impeccable comic timing. They both thus form the main highlight of the series. It provides many firsts throughout its runtime giving an entirely new experience to all the viewers. It aims to give a feeling of respite to the audiences in the midst of their stressful lives. All these facets give them a unique experience and also differentiates the show from the other daily soap operas which form the majority of the content on television. Suvarna TV features amongst one the leading Kannada language entertainment channels to be on the air. It got owned and operated by the Star India Network. It features round the clock entertainment programming suited to the tastes of a variety of audience members.
The shows range across a variety of different genres including the likes of fiction, reality shows, and comedy as well. It also broadcasts some of the latest hit movies from the Kannada film industry featuring the top stars. Moreover, they also telecast coverage of a variety of events occurring in Karnataka.
Some of the major serials which have propelled the channel to the forefront of the Kannada television space include names like Aragini, Amrutavarshini, Avanu Mthe Shravani, Milana, and a lot more. Amidst non-fiction and reality television based programming, it got known to broadcast series like Bigg Boss Kannada, Kannadada Kotyadhipathi (which is the Kannada language version of the hit quiz show KBC), Halli Hayda Pyaate Banda, Pyaate Mandi Kadige Bandru, Suvarna Super Jodi, and Katheyalla Jeevana amidst others.