Punyakoti is a drama series which came on the channel Udaya TV. The show is a Kannada language one which came on every day barring Sundays i.e. from Monday to Saturday in the time slot of 6:30 PM. The acclaimed director AG Seshadri has taken up the responsibility of this series and has done a great job. The series quickly got recognition amidst the viewers who approved of it readily. It had a loyal fan base who would readily latch on to each episode and watch it diligently. This easy connection propelled the serial into fandom and led it to complete over one thousand episodes. This isn’t an easy feat given the competitive landscape of the Kannada television industry along with keeping the viewers engaged in the narrative of the cast members and in what fashion their lives develop.
The theme of the series rests on various social issues. The topics got presented in an appealing manner to which people can connect instead of turning it into a preachy affair. Punyakoti’s story deals with the daily incidents occurring in the life of a common man. The show’s success also got assigned to the fact that the crew kept an eye out on the media reports and critic feedback which comes in after every episode got aired. The story gets changed and written in accordance to that. The serial has gone on to highlight the hindrances seem around us.
One of them includes the issues faced by police officers as they try to refuel the fuel tanks of their Cheetah. Most of the times the police department provides its staff with vehicles, but they do not get reimbursed with money for filling it with petrol. The series has also given back to society from different initiatives. Upon completing their thousandth episode on the show, they organized an interactive program which got organized inside the Sivarathreeswara Centre located on the premises of the JSS Educational College. In this program, the different members of the crew and the cast extended financial support towards an underprivileged girl child who had been a victim of bone cancer. She urgently required over Rs. 2 Lakh to undergo the requisite surgery.
The team came together to make it possible. The serial remains a fan favorite to this day and consequently saw high TRPs throughout its stint. This steady stream of high ratings has kept the channel and team extremely happy resulting in the unnaturally long stint it has enjoyed. Some very talented actors are a part of the team including the likes of SrinivasaPrabhu, GayathriPrabhakar, Master Hirannaiah Master Hirannaiah was born in the year 1934 in Kan >> Read More... , Jayasree S Raj, and much more.