Atma Kathegalu is a horror series which got aired on the Colors Kannada channel. It is a Kannada language series and features a new horror story in each episode. The show was very well-known for its excellent stories as well as narration which maintained a good pace. The series reinvented the horror genre for the channel. It provides a wide variety of fresh horror tales which keep the audiences mesmerized with fear and wonder. It attacks the notions of horror programs which get telecast on Indian television not being very scary.
The series challenged this thought and was able to successfully change this perspective for large parts of the audience. It soon became amongst the most popular series and a must watch for the fans of this genre, all within a very short duration of time. It features stories which get derived from both fiction as well as real life stories. These aim to thrill the audiences and keep them glued to their seats; an objective which is very well achieved. The format of the show has gotten developed to intrigue audience members alike. This involves not just the typical cast members dressed as ghosts and in makeup but also experimenting with special effects. This unique aspect of the series keeps the audience members hungry for more.
The stories which got featured dealt with a number of supernatural topics including ghosts, zombies, voodoo, and black magic. The fans appreciated the series for its use of effects like lights and sounds. This created a horrifying effect which they loved and enjoyed a lot. The narratives relied more on the acting and the eerie surroundings rather than any kind of extraneous effects or tricks in order to build the story and offer the viewers the scary content they were looking for. This led to Atma Kathegalu becoming one of the most acclaimed and loved shows.
Fans of the series would regularly watch the same, and it brought back the horror genre very effectively back to Indian television screens. The ratings of the show were fairly high as compared to its similar counterparts or other shows of the time. It acquired a dedicated viewer base who would tune into every episode and even extend the discussions regarding the show back to their family and friend circles. This ensured the popularity of the show and even attracted new viewers to both the show and the genre.