Nisha Aur Uske Cousins was an Indian television soap opera. The show was brought on-screen by Star Plus. The underlying storyline of this show was based on disputes in a family that were caused due to the difference of opinions amongst the members as a result of the generation gap. The production of the series took place in the city of Jaipur. On 27 June 2015, the 265th episode of this show was telecasted, marking the end of this show.
The story revolves around a girl named Nisha (‘
Aneri Vajani
Aneri Vajani is a popular and talented television >> Read More...
’) and her seven cousins. They all are the part of a joint family by the name Gangwal. The bond between these cousins is unconditional. The story deals with their coming of age, coping with expectations, aspirations, and comprehending the value of love and observing loss as a transition from kids to adults. The eldest one of the bunch is Umesh ('
Meherzan Mazda
Meherzan Mazda is a new Indian TV actor cum model. >> Read More...
'), who loves to cook. Second to Umesh is Dolly ('Purvi Mundana'), who loves to shop and is soon to be engaged. The other cousins are Kirti (‘
Heli Daruwala
Heli Daruwala is an Indian actress and model. She >> Read More...
’), Suketu (‘
Parv Kaila
Parv Kaila is a rising star and an Indian televisi >> Read More...
’), Jwala (‘
Barbie Jain
Barbie Jain is an Indian actress and the younger s >> Read More...
’), and finally the youngest of the bunch Bunty (‘
Nikunj Padaya
Nikunj padaya was born on 10 January in Pune. He s >> Read More...
’), who is the peter pan and the troublemaker in the herd.
Although all of them have very distinguished personalities, they all are bound by the ties of unconditional love and affection. They all act like each other’s support systems. The joint family comprises of a pair of grandparents, three brothers, and their respective families. Dadaji, or the grandfather, is a very strict individual, who always tries to discipline others and teach the value of traditions. Each character in the story is defined as the member usually belonging to any household. The journey of these seven cousins from their frolic of childhood to the responsibilities of adulthood forms the base of the story. The interesting thing about the story is that the issues portrayed here are very relevant to the real world and are faced by a lot of people.