Pyar Zindagi Hai was a comedy television show aired on Zee TV in 2003. The show was aired daily and each episode was thirty minutes long. It was produced by Rajeev Tandon’s RT Films and was directed by
Jitendra Kumar
. The serial was an attempt by Zee TV to diversify its shows, since before the launch of this serial it presented no comedy shows. The serial stars Rakhi Tandon and
Mukul Dev
in the lead roles. The show was part of various serials launched after the 2003 World Cup by Zee TV.
The story revolves around Simi and Sunny, who are a young couple. They go through many problems when their respective families come to their homes and live with them. There is constant friction between the two families since Simi’s parents are Punjabi traditionalists while Sunny’s parents are more sophisticated in their behavior. The negativity in the atmosphere is overwhelming at times, and the show deals with how the couple deals with the problems they face at school.
The show was marketed as a serial that promoted family values such as love and honesty. The promoters even emphasized on the fact that the show depicted in-laws as normal people and did not demonize them.