The show, Tweenies, is a British animated series. It is a puppet animation series. Tweenies premiered in the year 1998. The storyline of the show is to educate the kids about moral values, life skills, and social values in an entertaining way. They use different songs, poems, stories, etc. to explain important messages to the children. The characters of Tweenies interacted directly with the audience in an identifiable manner. The show, Tweenies, is based on the life of four young kids.
These kids are in a day-care centre and spend most of their time with two dogs and two adult guardians. The dogs live in the centre with the guardians. The show has a unique concept and reached high heights of success. The show Tweenies telecasted in the United States of America on Channel Noggin and afterward on Nick Jr. Tweenies wrapped up in the year 2003. However, the large-scale live tours, VCDs, and repeat telecasts of the show were enough to maintain the place of Turn of the Millennium.
The show is renowned by generations as it comes even after 20 years of its debut. Bella is one of the four Tweenies. She is five-year-old and the eldest one in the group. Because of her age, Bella is also the leader of the group. She had power, responsibilities and a great sense of allocation. She was argumentative and dominating. In every episode, she learns a new moral lesson, and by the next episode, she forgets it. Milo is a fun loving notorious kid. He has purple skin and is considered as the token black kid of the group. The day-care resident's called him the "jokester.” He always tries to play tricks with the other children in the group.
Fizz is Bella's opposite regarding nature and likes. She is totally feminine and shows interest in everything which is related to girly stuff. She is in love with the color pink. She is also a bit shy and introvert unlike the other three kids in her group. Fizz usually likes to read books and play by herself. Throughout the episodes, we get a hint that she adores Milo. She is a very sweet girl. Every time she is upset, shocked, or angry, her eyes shake or spin energetically. Jake is the three-year-old, youngest member of the group.
He is always a bit confused about what is happening around him as all the others are elder than him and understands things better. Bella, Fizz, and Milo help him by explaining all the things they do. Jake has an alter-ego of superheroes. He has an interest in all the masculine activities and things, like football, cars, etc. But because Jake is the youngest, he cries a lot. And everyone else in the group has to comfort him when he is upset about something.