Transformers Animated is and American and Japanese TV Show. It is based on the toy line Transformers. Cartoon Network Studios produced the show. The animation of Transformers Animated was by Studio 4°C and The Answer Studio, MOOK DLE. Transformers Animated premiered on 26th December 2007 on the Cartoon Network Channel. The last episode aired on 23rd May 2009. The show premiered on 3rd April 2010 on the Japanese Television.
The series of Transformers Animated has around 42 episodes in total. These episodes are in three different seasons. `Transform and Roll Out!´ is the pilot of the show. The pilot is of three parts. Stellar cycles (hundreds of years) ago the Autobots won the colossal war for Cybertron in opposition to the Decepticons. Decepticons are an Autobot support group. The Optimus Prime leads this crew. It comprises of Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Prowl, and Ratchet. After they win, they find the unbelievable Allspark covered on a space rock.
The Allspark goes back to their ship with the Autobots. However, soon a team of Decepticons confronts them. The famous warlord Megatron is the leader of this group. It comprises of Blackarachnia, Lugnut, Starscream, and Blitzwing. Megatron assaults the Autobot ship and tries to recover the Allspark. However, the ship crashes on Earth when the misleading Starscream plants an explosive on Megatron. The Autobots go into a state of inactivity to recover the crash. A human scientist finds the remaining parts of the Megatron. The story forwards 50 years ahead. Sumdac Systems is a robotics company.
The CEO of this firm is Professor Sumdac. This company emphasizes on the futuristic version of Detroit. The Autobots and Optimus Prime gain consciousness from their inactive state and get ready to protect the Detroit people from a monster. This if not done, would make the people of Detroit susceptible to the monster. They make a plan to become Sari's friend. Sari is Sumdac's young daughter. She teaches them the rules and regulations about Earth. When the pilot is ending, Starscream reaches the Earth.
The Starscream struggles to defeat Allspark, but the Autobots overpower him successfully, saving the city from the monsters. The whole series of Transformers Animated is based on the Detroit. There are five main Autobots in the series. They are Bulkhead, Optimus, Ratchet, Prowl, and Bumblebee. They do everything possible to protect the Allspark from the Decepticons. The 2nd season of the show includes the Autobots working to collect the shattered pieces of it. The 3rd season is the Final War.
Season 1 of Transformers Animated is just like an introduction to the storyline of the show. "Transformers and Roll Out!", "Megatron Rising Part 1 and 2", and "Lost and Found" are three main episodes of the 1st season. Season 2 and 3 showed the most of the thrill and action. Swindle, Jazz, Shockwave, Ultra Magnus, Cybertron, and much more came to the show after the first season.