“Mad Dogs” is British thriller Television series running over four seasons. The show also has a US adaptation. It began on February 10, 2011, and concluded on December 29, 2013. It consists of 14 episodes. The story was created by Chris Cole. The story follows the twist in the lives of four middle-aged friends holidaying in Majorca celebrating the retirement of their friend Alvo. The four friends are Baxter, Quinn, Rick, and Woody. Soon Alvo is killed by a masked person. The friends come to know that Alvo was murdered for using a drug boat. They are mistaken for drug dealers and are paid three million eurosThe story is filled with twists. The friends become a part of a sinister plot that changes their middle-aged lives forever. Season 3 of the show premiered on June 4, 2013, and concluded on June 25, 2013.
After the murder of Alvo, the friends are chased by the police and the killers of Alvo. The friends realise that the police officer Maria had manipulated them, and there was no mafia involved, but only corrupt police officers. The friends decide to leave the money and head back to England. However, Maria tries to kill them. Quinn kills her, and later they murder Dominic, who is a member of the drug group. The friends board a mistaken boat to Ibiza with the money. There again they are followed, and their lives are in danger. It is revealed that Alvo was also a part of the drug group and he was murdered because he did not want to continue. They meet Mackenzie, the leader of the drug group. He tricks them, and in the finale of season 2, they are surrounded by armed men in Morocco. Season 3 begins with them being arrested.
They are informed that the drug operations in Majorca were funded by CIA to carry out black operations. As they had interfered in the activities of CIA, a kill contract has been issued against them. The only escape is to start new lives with new identities. They are sent to Cape Town in South Africa, and they start leading new lives. Rick works with a drug dealer; Quinn works in a bar, Woody sells medicines in black, and Baxter runs his own legal firm. Though they are not allowed to remain in contact, an incident forces them to come together. They think that two years later the kill contract would have been withdrawn. However, the British Consulate informs them that it is still in place. They are on the run and finally they meet a retired CIA agent Lazaro. Lazaro intends to kill them as they had killed Maria. After fighting with the agent leading to his death, they escape. The next season concludes the series with them resuming their regular lives.