Kenan and Kel is a children’s show broadcast on the Nickelodeon channel. Kenan Rockmore and Kel Kimball are best friends. They go to school together. With almost three seasons on the air, this is one of the funniest shows in the history of children’s shows. Kenan has a sister named Kyra Rockmore. She is smitten by Kel and introduces him as her boyfriend everywhere. Ken manages to spoil everything for Kenan. Kel always does foolish things which put Kenan in danger. Kenan works at a store. Kenan’s parents are disturbed every day by Kel. He jumps all over the house, and once Mr. Rockmore had steaming hot coffee thrown all over him because Kel arrived so suddenly in the house.
The store at which Kenan works has become a place of accidents from the time Kel arrives. He is a big fan of orange soda. He cannot live without orange soda. So, he just takes a bottle every time he enters the store without paying. The manager decides to lock the fridge containing soda so that he is not able to take any. Once, they sold Kenan’s parent’s television set as they broke the winning television, which was to be given to the winner of the store’s lucky draw. Kel never works but just creates trouble for Kenan. Once, the President came to the store where Kenan work to investigate and buy. In one of the episodes, Kenan gets his head stuck in fences as Kel pushed him way too hard. Kenan once worked as a plaintiff in the court. Kel was his witness. He admits to the deed of dropping a screw in the tuna, even before Kenan could ask him a single question, and later creates havoc at the scene. He jumps on the judge of the court and takes the mike to shout on top of his voice that he did it.
Once, an interview was arranged with a group of psychiatrists to test Kel’s psych powers as Kenan’s parents testify that he was able to guess a load of things like who was on the phone, etc. without even looking or knowing that thing. Their graduation ceremony was spoilt as Kenan asked Kel the color of their robes and he said bright orange. Actually, they were black. Kel was just repeating his favorite color, which resembled Orange soda. Kenan’s parents are also attending the ceremony where he makes a fool of himself as he dresses up as an orange soda and gives a funny speech. In the end, Kel brings a truck and crashes the place as Kenan had wished for as he did not want to give the speech dressed as an orange soda bottle.