The seventh season of the romantic comedy English TV series ‘How I Met Your Mother’ (HIMYM) comprises of 24 episodes, with the protagonist, Ted Moseby (Josh Radnor) continuing to tell the story to his children, of his meeting with their mother; where the ‘mother’ has yet not been identified. Ted’s friends, Marshall (Jason Segell) and Lily (
Alyson Hannigan
Alyson Lee Hannigan, an American actress, was born >> Read More...
) tell the gang - Ted, Robin (
Cobie Smulders
Cobie Smulders (Jacoba Francisca Maria ), was born >> Read More...
) and Barney (
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris is a brilliant actor, producer >> Read More...
) that they are expecting their first child in Cleveland, where they all are attending Ted’s friend, Punchy’s, wedding. In the meanwhile, Robin seems to be very upset as Barney pursues Nora; for she realizes that she still has feelings for him. Ted, who is still in search of his one true love, comes across Victoria, an ex-girlfriend.
However, Victoria puts him down, saying that all his relationships fail because he cannot keep Robin off of his mind. While Marshall and Barney bet on the loser having to wear the infamous ‘Ducky Tie’, which has been worn in the series 11 times, Robin tries to save Barney’s relationship with Nora, while starting to date her therapist, Kevin. Barney convinces Marshall and Lily to find out the gender of their baby, which turns out to be a boy. Later on, Barney and Robin end up making out in a cab after recalling an earlier romantic moment between them. When they spend the night together, they decide to break up with their significant others. However, Robin fails to do so and Barney is left alone. Robin is devastated on being told that she is infertile.
The gang seems to have broken up as Lily and Marshall move to the suburbs. They host a comically disastrous house-warming party, which finally gets averted. Robin agrees to marry Kevin when he proposes, but when they break up, Ted uses the opportunity to confess his love for Robin. However, Robin declines and moves out of the apartment. Ted then gives the apartment to Marshall and Lily, so that they can move back and raise their child in the city. Barney decides to stop playing around and stay committed to Quinn.
Future Ted also intervenes to ask Present Ted to not lament as he will have a baby daughter three years later. While Ted fails to get together with any girl, Lily goes into labor while Marshall has gone out with Barney. The season ends with Marshall coming just in time to see his son, Marvin, being born, while Barney proposes to Quinn at an airport. However, in a flashback we see Barney and Robiin getting married to each other. The viewers are still clueless as to who Ted’s wife is, as he tries to get back with Victoria, but ends up assisting her in running away from her own wedding.