Gouri Elo is a Bengali television series that premiered on channel Zee Bangla. The show's leads were played brilliantly by Mohona Maiti as Gouri and Biswarup Bandhopadhya as Ishan. The show deals with the romantic journey of a young spiritual girl Gouri, and a doctor, Ishan. Gouri has tremendous faith in Maa Kaali, while Ishan is a doctor with a scientific bent of mind, and hence they are complete opposites to each other. But haven't you heard the old saying, 'opposites attract'? Well, that's precisely what happened with these youngsters. So, despite the duo being starkly opposite, fate brings them together to change people's lives.
The first episode begins when Nibaran locks Gouri up when she comes home after reviving Haran's wife by praying to Ma Kali. The next day, Madhupur's villagers worry as they can't open the temple door. This is when Dr. Ishan visits the village. Somehow, Ishan loses his way and reaches the temple. Ishan is highly kind-hearted and a dutiful doctor as when he spots a sick child there and takes him to the hospital. Things take a dark turn when Ishan threatens Gauri's father.
In one of the episodes, Gouri reaches the Ghoshal house with her grandfather. She impresses Neela and is somewhat interested in hearing Kali Ma's story. It is here when Gouri lights the lamp, she comes face-to-face with Ishan, and the romantic journey of these two begins. What happens next? Will Ishan and Gouri fall in love with each other? Or their opposite personalities lead to hatred towards the other one? The rest of the story deals with that.