Akkaran is a Tamil crime suspense film written and directed by Arun K Prasad. This film features M.S. Bhaskar (Veerapandi), Kabali Vishwanath (Siva), Venba (Devi), Namo Narayanan Namo Narayanan was a South Indian actor. He predom >> Read More... (Paranthaman), Akash Premkumar Bio Coming Soon... >> Read More... (Arjun), Priyadharshini Arunachalam Bio coming soon... >> Read More... (Priya), Karthick Chandrasekar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... (Selvam), and others. Hari S R has given the music for this film. The executive producer of this film is Karuppasamy Kalimuthu Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . A. Anand is the cinematographer of this film. P. Manikandan is the editor of this movie.
Veerapandi, who is a wrestler, has two daughters Devi and Priya and he lives in Madurai. The younger daughter, Priya, is preparing for the NEET entrance exam to study medicine, and she is studying in a private institute. One day, she tells her father that the institute is asking for ten lakhs as fees and on that same day, she disappears. Then, her father and sister take refuge in the police to find Priyadarshini. But he finds his life ruined when two unknown assailants abruptly murder Priya. Consumed by grief and wanting payback, Veerapandi sets out to find truth and justice in his dark ways. What happened to Priya? Will Veera find the culprits? This forms the film’s story.
Star Performances
The film’s story revolves around MS Bhaskar’s character, and he holds the whole picture on his shoulders. He has shown his acting brilliance in many places from showing affection towards his onscreen daughters to breaking down and crying thinking that his two daughters are living as his world. Actress Venba has done a decent job. She shines when her character’s heart breaks after thinking of his younger sister. Actress Priyadarshini, with her limited screen time, has completed her acting work to make it believable. Akash Prem Kumar's performance was commendable, and the rest of the cast supported the narrative with their performances.
Akkaran throws us into a revenge saga, spicing things up with a pinch of brutality, interrogation tactics, and a dash of psychological intrigue. We meet Veerapandi, an old father with two daughters, Devi and Priya. Priya is preparing for her NEET exams when she vanishes after a minor incident at her coaching center. Turns out, this center, run by the brother-in-law of a former MP, is involved in a shady extortion scheme, promising students guaranteed college admissions for a large sum. Priya’s objection to this causes her death. The story then revolves around Veerapandi who then decides to take this matter in his own hands and resorts to violence for justice. Akkaran tries to achieve too much with limited resources, so it stumbles on its tail. The plot gets tangled up with many subplots, and you are confused. There are some hardly believable plot twists that feel too convincing for the story. Then there‘s the investigation. We see the same scenes played out repeatedly in flashbacks, even though the details are different each time. Akkaran lacks depth in its screenplay to make it engage viewers. It flaws includes, two-dimensional and underdeveloped characters; the typical bad guys playing as villains, and a slow paced sequences. Even when a big mystery is unveiled, it hardly rectifies the entire film. MS Bhaskar, the protagonist, nails the intense, vengeful father vibe. The remaining cast fills in their bits with their limited screen time. Debut director Arun K Prasad tries to blend many genres, and as for his first project, he somehow succeeded. However, he has stumbled a bit on creativity. The scenes could have been made bigger and pulled us into the film, too. The Cinematography stands firm for the film. The songs could have been given more attention. The movie’s background score is apt. However, in certain crucial places in the film, the time they take to build up tension through their background score is more than what is warranted. In a way, too much of anticipation also induces frustration and the cause for that frustration is the background score. The editing did a neat job, except for a few falters. Yes, there might be the occasional pacing problem, but that can be ignored, considering the overall impact the film manages to have on you.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
Akkaran is not a perfect film and has its share of lacking. Nevertheless, It is an engaging entertainer. It is a decent crime revenge thriller that somehow manages to reasonably entertain the audience.
Arun K Prasad
01 Hour 47 Minutes
Karthick Chandrasekar, Kabali Vishwanth, Namo Narayanan
Hari S R
Plot revolves around Drama, etc.
No, it's rated UA