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Selma is a historical drama film starring David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson, Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth and Oprah Winfrey in main roles. Plot: The film is based upon Ma

Selma Movie Review

Selma Movie Review English
Review for the film " Selma"
Streaming On: Amazon Prime Video
Runtime: 2 Hours 08 Minutes
Certificate: UA
Released: 25-12-2014
Genre: Drama
3.5 / 5.00
3.47 / 5.0



Selma is a historical drama film starring David Oyelowo David Oyelowo is a classically trained stage actor >> Read More... , Tom Wilkinson Tom Wilkinson, son of farmer Thomas Wilkinson and >> Read More... , Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth Tim Roth is originally known as Simon Timothy. Rot >> Read More... and Oprah Winfrey “Oprahfication” a coined-word by Wall Street Journ >> Read More... in main roles.

Plot: The film is based upon Martin Luther King Click to look into! >> Read More... Jr. and his heroics when he raised his voice against the objection of black people to vote. In 1964 after receiving the Nobel Prize, Martin Luther King Jr. (David Oyelowo) rushes to President Lyndon B. Johnson (Tom) to discuss the hostility being suffered by black people as they are not being allowed to cast their vote but President rejects it saying that he has better things or projects to work upon rather than to ponder over this issue. Later on Martin decides to take matter into his own hands as he travels to Selma with few of his colleagues there again he encounters friction as when he marches with his colleagues and a famous singer for the registration at the registration office, he is denied doing that which gets converted into a nasty brawl as Martin and his fellow colleagues are arrested. The movement is received with negativity as George Wallace the then Alabama Governor criticized the movement. Martin’s wife Coretta meets with Malcolm X to discuss his arrest and for a possible solution to come out. Malcolm reassures her by saying that he will ask the whites to regroup and think upon Malcolm’s release.

Later, as supporters get ready to march in Marion, Alabama where they receive a violent welcome from the police who already were stationed there. King on the other hand receives harassing phone calls which speak of ruining his life. Trouble is not over here as he is criticized by the members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The Selma to Montgomery march is just about to commence when King asks his fellow colleague Young to stop it but receives a reassuring reply from him saying that he must persevere it. Thus, the march begins but it is not the easiest ones as the marchers are inflicted with different weapons to stop them from marching ahead, many get badly injured amongst which are the friends of Martin. The injured are then taken to Brown Chapel and nursed.

The situations rock the politicians including the President who had earlier said that this march and movement were pointless, He sends down federals to Martin to convince him to stop the march. Meanwhile, few white Americans jump into the march making it bigger and braver than ever. Troops try to sabotage the march once again but fearing the fierce outcomes decides to keep away. That night one white American is killed by white racists which really becomes a sad and unfortunate event in this march. Later, the march proves to be successful as President asks for a quick deactivation of the elimination restrictions on voting and also praises Martin and his friends for a successful march. The movie concludes with clips of Martin giving his speech at the State Capitol.

Analysis: The movie packs quite a punch and since it is not an action or stunt filled usual act some might be skeptical. But to tell you the truth, Selma is a fantastic character sketch of Martin Luther King Jr. and his courageous friends who took the grave matter in their own hands and while they faced friction and what not, they still emerged victorious at the end. Based upon true events and laced with brilliant screenplay, this movie has some finest acts of the famous and historic personalities.

Star Performances: Oyelowo has stuck to the character and refuses to stray from it. The way he portrays the legendary activist somehow convinces us of the authenticity of it. Oprah Winfrey plays a crucial part in it and is all eyes.

What's There?

• Brilliant reconstruction of the historic march and characters on screen.

• Vivid screenplay.

• Storyline though has been taken from the true events but has been crafted perfectly, taking modern audience into account.

What's Not There?

• This is the first movie I think has no flaws to quote, but still this movie has not those action sequences and people looking for action scenes and adrenaline must keep away.

Verdict: This is a brilliant movie which speaks of hope, struggle, hostility and victory. A brilliant and inspiring story to not to give up on your rights and fight for them when the time and need arrives, this movie is a must watch.



What is the genre of "Selma"?


What is the duration of "Selma"?

2 Hours 08 Minutes

When was "Selma" released?


Cast & Crew

Who is the supporting cast in "Selma"?

Alessandro Nivola


What is the plot of "Selma"?

Plot revolves around Drama, etc.

Ratings & Reviews

What is the critic's rating for "Selma"?


What are the audience ratings for "Selma"?



Is "Selma" suitable for all ages?

Yes, it's rated UA

Can I watch "Selma" online?

No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video



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