Vishal Reddy, who has been expecting the victory after Pandiya Nadu has been working hard in his next film, “Thupparivaalan.” In the film, he plays a detective. “Prasanna” plays a pivotal role in the “Mysskin” entertainer. The last phase of the shoot is going at a quick pace in the woods. Vishal plays in an action sequence in the final phase. The film also has “Simran,” “Devayani,” Vinay Rai, Anu Emmanuel, Andrea Jeremiah, “K Bhagyaraj,” “V Jayaprakash,” John Vijay, Thalaivasal Vijay, Abhishek Shankar and Ajay Rathnam. Arrol correli composes the music and Karthik Venkatraman is the DOP. Vishal produces the film under Vishal Film Factory banner.