Film Employees Federation of South India and Tamilnadu Film Producers Council are not in good terms now, after Vishal’s statement.
Vishal Reddy
, the President of Tamilnadu Film Producers Council, announced yesterday that as FEFSI charges more for the work, TFPC has decided to go for the technicians other than FEFSI. As the rates charged by FEFSI create a considerable loss to the producers, they had taken this decision. After hearing the statement from TFPC, FEFSI President “
R K Selvamani
” grew angry on the Producers Council. He stated that TFPC shouldn’t employ the people outside FEFSI. Selvamani also stated that Vishal could not solve the 40 years problem in just 4 months. Selvamani also stated that FEFSI has always favored the producers.