“Prabhu,” the talented star has been playing in a lot of films other than Tamil, including Telugu and Malayalam. Unlike his contemporaries, Prabhu is not sticking to the hero roles and has been doing varieties of roles including brother, father, uncle, etc. Recently, he celebrated his 61st birthday. Now, the star, who has been playing in the sequel to his hit film,
Charlie Chaplin
Prabhu Deva
, celebrated his birthday in the sets. Charlie Chaplin 2 has Nikki Galrani in the lead role along with Prabhu and Prabhu Deva. Nikki, who posted the birthday celebration photos of Prabhu in the sets captioned, “#HappyBday to the sweetest #Prabhu Uncle! May u be blessed with more Happiness & Love & keep spoiling all of us with your Affection & loads of yummmmyyyyyyyy food! #CharlieChaplin2 #Sweetest.” Besides this film, Prabhu has Mannar Vagera with “
,” “
Saranya Ponvannan
and Sri Ranjani, Uththaravi Maharaja and “