“Vijay” celebrated his birthday on 22nd June. Although Vijay requested his fans not to celebrate his birthday in grandeur, his fans did it in style. With the usual charitable works, they celebrated it as a festival. Palakkad Vijay fans had taken yet another big step. Yes, they had presented the babies, who were born on Vijay’s birthday, with gold rings. Besides this, they had organized blood donation camp, supplied blankets and bed sheets to the hospitals. Vijay 62 title and the First Look poster were revealed on 21st June and this hyped up the joy of the fans. “
,” the 62nd film of Thalapathy Vijay has the star cast of
Keerthy Suresh
Varalaxmi Sarathkumar
Yogi Babu
Radha Ravi
and Pala Karuppaiah. The film is getting ready to hit the screens for Diwali. Vijay intro song will be shot in the overseas locations.