“Padmaavat,” the film that was highly targeted by the Karni Sena and other movements that said that the film degraded the Rajput Queen, Padmini, has been successfully marching towards the new target of Rs. 300 Crores. The film that was shot in a budget of Rs 180 crores has
Deepika Padukone
as the queen Padmini.
Shahid Kapoor
played her husband Raja Rana Rawal Ratan Singh.
Ranveer Singh
played Alauddin Khilji. The film is scripted, directed and music composed by
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
. The film has not only got a good collection in North India but Chennai too. It has been the top runner in Chennai when we have biggie releases here. The success of the film mainly depends upon the protest by Karni Sena people right from the shooting of the film. Like “
” featuring “
,” Padmaavat got a good promotion and had been getting a good collection at the box office.