“Kabali” featuring Superstar “
,” was directed by Pa Ranjith and produced by “Kalaipuli S Thanu.” After Kabali, Ranjith directed Kaala Karikalan once again with Superstar Rajini. The film is produced by “
” under the banner, Wunderbar Films and distributed by LYCA Productions. The film is gearing up for the release on 7th June. The latest news is that the Kabali makers Ranjith and Thanu are reuniting for their next. The official announcement is expected soon. Meanwhile, recently, it was heard that the “
” team Kalaipuli S Thanu and the music director “
G V Prakash Kumar
” are joining again in a new film. In this film, GV Prakash will be the hero cum music composer. After the Kollywood strike, a lot of new combinations are happening in the Tamil film industry. Let us hope for the best!