We all know that a fake IT raid had been made at the house of “
J Deepa
,” niece of the late CM, Madam “
.” It was said that when the IT officer visited Deepa’s house, she was not in the house, but had gone to the hospital for some treatment. Madhavan, Deepa’s husband, called his advocate and the advocate called the police, as he suspected the IT officer to be fake. When the police inquired, the fake IT officer, ran away from the place. The latest news is that his name is Prabhu and he is said to have been surrendered at the Mambalam Police Station. The twist in the story is that Prabhu said that he visited Deepa’s house, as per the plan of Madhavan, Deepa’s husband. Is this true? If so, why Madhavan did this? Is Deepa related to this event? Catch you soon with more details!