Emu Farm Scam happened in the year 2012 in Perunthurai. In this Emu farm case, the verdict is out now. By running the Emu farms, a big scam was done and an amount of Rs. 3 Cr had been looted by the people, who run those farms. As per the Tamilnadu Protection of Interest of Depositors Act, the case came to the final hearing and the court announced the verdict. The fraudulent entrepreneurs, who ran the Emu corporate, had been sentenced to five years jail term. Hope, this would be the good lesson for the fraudulent people. However, it is the duty of the public to analyze before investing.
Emu Farm Scam happened in the year 2012 in Perunthurai. In this Emu farm case, the verdict is out now. By running the Emu farms, a big scam was done and an amount of Rs. 3 Cr had been looted by the people, who run those farms. As per the Tamilnadu Protection of Interest of Depositors Act, the case came to the final hearing and the court announced the verdict. The fraudulent entrepreneurs, who ran the Emu corporate, had been sentenced to five years jail term. Hope, this would be the good lesson for the fraudulent people. However, it is the duty of the public to analyze before investing.