CV Kumar, the producer, had turned a director with sensible scripts. Now, his Thirukumaran Entertainment banner is getting ready to release a film titled “
.” The film is directed by Marimuthu. It features
Shaman Mithru
and Sathyakala in the lead roles. The film deals with the life of the shepherds. The film is inspired from the real life incidents. The director said that it is not a documentary but a commercial film. The songs are composed by
Ved Shankar
and the BGM is by
Jithin Roshan
. Kumar Shridhar cranks the camera and
Raja Mohammad
is the editor. The film is produced by the hero Shaman under the banner Shaman Pictures. The motion poster had been released. The film also has the star cast of “Sundarrajan,” Jayaseelan and “
.” The rest of the cast details and the movie release date will be announced soon.