Baahubali is the India’s premium budgeted movie. This movie is still running in theatres successfully. Director Raja Mouli is placed in such a tough situation due to the grand success of Baahubali. He has to work hard to bring the sequel better than Baahubali. He has plans to release the film by next summer. The shooting might start in October, says the Tollywood news. Mouli has plans to add new characters to the sequel, says the crew. Whatever it might be, we are going to get a stunning movie that will make the world watch Indian cinema developing tremendously.
Baahubali is the India’s premium budgeted movie. This movie is still running in theatres successfully. Director Raja Mouli is placed in such a tough situation due to the grand success of Baahubali. He has to work hard to bring the sequel better than Baahubali. He has plans to release the film by next summer. The shooting might start in October, says the Tollywood news. Mouli has plans to add new characters to the sequel, says the crew. Whatever it might be, we are going to get a stunning movie that will make the world watch Indian cinema developing tremendously.