“Aadhi” made his debut in Kollywood in “Mirugam” with “
,” directed by Saami. After the controversial film, he was next seen in “Eeram,” which was a super hit and gained him a lot of appreciations. Although Aadhi is a Telugu boy, his movies were dubbed in Telugu. After the hit film, “Yaagavarayinum Naa Kaaka,” Aadhi decided to make his debut in Telugu. He remade the same as "
" and grabbed the attention of the Tollywood audiences. The latest buzz on Aadhi is he might pair
Anushka Shetty
in the upcoming action thriller, “
.” When the rumors were abuzz that it is a historical film, some of the sources close to the unit say that it is a modern thriller. “
” plays the antagonist in Bhagmathi. “
” and
Asha Sarath
has been approached to play pivotal roles.”
Pilla Zamindar
” fame Ashok G directs this film and the film is expected to have huge VFX works. Watch this space for further updates on Bhagmathi!