,” the versatile director has directed a huge number of hit films in Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi. The director has just wrapped up the shooting of “
” with “
,” “Anusree” and
Vimala Raman
. Earlier, the director said that after completing the film with Lalettan, he will join
Akshay Kumar
in a comedy flick. Both the director and the actor share a good rapport from Bhool Bulaiyya times. Now, it is heard that the director has announced that he will be taking a short break from cinema industry and will be working as a teacher. However, it is also related to the film industry. Yes, he will be teaching the film institute students in Pune. After wrapping up all his pending projects, Priyadarshan will join FTII Pune as a full-time lecturer. His father “K Soman Nair” wanted to see Priyadarshan as a teacher. Hopefully, his dream will become true, soon. Meanwhile, Priyan wants his latest project with Mohanlal to be a hit. We wish you all the best Sir!