Popular Malayalam actor “
” was arrested and has been kept under the judicial custody in the actress abduction and harassment case. His manager AS Sunilra alias Appunni absconded when the police tried to inquire about the abduction case. He even switched off his mobile phone. Later, the police found out that he was hiding in Goa Resort. However, he appeared before the police today at the Aluva Police Station. His anticipatory bail was rejected by the court. Earlier during the investigation, he stated that the police tried to make him and Nadir Shah, as the approvers. Dileep, who acted in a lot of films with the actress involved in a cheap act. IPC Sections, including 376-D (gangrape), 366 (kidnapping), 212 (wrongful confinement), 120-b (criminal conspiracy), have been charged on Dileep. The police strongly state that they have 19 strong evidence against Dileep. Pulsar Suni, the main convict, had made calls to Appunni frequently.