” is the upcoming film of Aniruddh, the son-in-law of “
.” Through this film, we will see Vishnuvardhan in the main role with the help of latest technology. During the launch of the film, 101 feet poster of Vishnuvardhan was unveiled. Of late, the 3D stand-up posters of the actor were unveiled. Soon, these posters will be placed in the multiplexes across Bangalore. With the help of the digital head technology, we will be witnessing our favorite actor Vishnuvardhan soon. By appearing in this film, the late actor will be making his 201st film in his career. This film was launched before four years with “
” and
Divya Spandana
alias Ramya. As the director of this film,
Kodi Ramakrishna
was hospitalized, the film had been delayed. Now, the film is getting ready and it will be released shortly.