We all already know that, Haripriya replaced Ramya Spandana in the upcoming movie “Neer Dose” that has the comedy actor Jaggesh as the hero. This is the first time Haripriya stars with Jaggesh, the 'Navarasa Nayaka'. The reports say that Haripriya is about to learn the belly dance for her movie, “Neer Dose”.
The close sources reported that the movie’s first schedule is almost wrapped and the second schedule will be starting on 26th October. The director of the movie is
Vijay Prasad
and the actors who are doing the key roles along with Jaggesh and Haripriya are Dattana and Suman Ranganath. Haripriya is all set to learn the belly dance for a club dance sequence, revealed the director. If the movie becomes a super hit, it will be Ramya, the one who feels much for losing the opportunity, says a Sandalwood birdie.